집 > 임대 > # 37


2021-12-29 1296 조회 ID# 37

$2,500 /월세 임대

New Westminster 자세한 주소가 제공되지 않았습니다.
Julia Fan 중국어,영어,광둥어
236 518 1833
이메일 Julia Fan


기본 정보

Rental_Property_Type: 콘도 |
침실: 2 |
임대 유형: 스위트 |

기능 및 편의 시설

세탁 시설
독립된 주방
기본 가전
Cozy apartment for rent FEATURING: - Good Locate Near the New Westminster Sky-train and Douglas Collage -Good View There are a beautiful view of river. -Amenities Wheelchair access,gym,hot tub,sauna,lounge, guest suite, park or garden, bike storage, insuite laundry, indoor pool, freezer room,party room -1 Parking -Available Feb 1 RENT: $2500/month plus utilities. Utilities are not include in rent - Employment and rental references are required - Credit check if applicable - Photo ID is required - No pets - no smoking/pot (inside or outside) NO CALLING PLEASE! For further information, please email/text me with your name and phone number. I will call you back and provide information to you. ** Professionally managed and marketed by STEPHEN JIN PREC*. We do not charge prospective tenants any handling fees, application fees or processing fees. We are fully licensed with the BC Financial Services Authority.

입주자 조건

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광고 내용에 포함된 생소한 URL을 클릭하지 마시고 주의하시기 바랍니다. 허위정보 내용 발견시 즉시 신고해 주시기 바랍니다. info@mehome.com

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